About Two-Sails

Hello and welcome to Two-Sails!

Two-Sails is a cooperative attempt at capturing and sharing live music.  We are Evan and Jen, a music enthusiast couple from Long Island, NY; together we frequent a variety of shows throughout Brooklyn, Manhattan, and other regions of the state.  Additionally, we are the owners and administrators of Collected Animals, the Animal Collective forum and post as Lion Around and Dance Avey Dance respectively.  Live recordings are such a vital part of Animal Collective's existence to its dedicated fan-base because they allow listeners to trace the development of new songs from their conception to the final product on the studio album.  Likewise, the recordings also allow for reworked older songs and songs that do not end up on an official release to have proper documentation.  Such notions combined with the community we have found on Collected Animals inspired us to begin recording the shows we attend.

To record and produce, our equipment consists solely of the Zoom H2 recorder and Logic Pro.  We started recording shows in June 2010 and have documented every show we've attended since then.  Our posts typically consist of a review of the show, photographs, a complete set list, a sample of one of the recorded songs, and a link to the live recording in its entirety.

Please follow, comment, and most importantly, enjoy the site!

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